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Showing 1-24 of 4,206 results
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- General adult 4,047
- Juvenile 149
- Mature adult 10
Date added
- Last 14 days 31
- Last 30 days 37
- Last 3 months 201
- Last 6 months 460
- OverDrive Magazine 4,206
- Home & Garden 565
- Food & Wine 529
- Movies, TV & Music 434
- Health & Fitness 411
- Culture & Literature 346
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- Art & Architecture 208
- Cars & Motorcycles 208
- Celebrity & Gossip 188
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- Kids & Teens 149
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- Men's Lifestyle 139
- News & Politics 106
- Business & Finance 100
- Family & Parenting 96
- Luxury 85
- Photography 63
- Boating & Aviation 40
- Hunting & Fishing 36
- Comics & Manga 34
- Adult 10
- Lifestyle 2
- English 3,486
- Portuguese 172
- Spanish; Castilian 114
- Italian 106
- French 102
- Japanese 75
- German 60
- Chinese 26
- Afrikaans 22
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- Swedish 7
- Danish 6
- Dutch; Flemish 6
- Turkish 3
- Welsh 2
- Gujarati 2
- Hindi 2
- Russian 2
- Vietnamese 2
- Irish 1
- Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic 1
- Tamil 1
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×Availability can change throughout the month based on the library's budget. You can still place a hold on the title, and your hold will be automatically filled as soon as the title is available again.